Counselors of God's Word

Scripture Reading - Proverbs 11:14 KJV

Where no counsel is, the people fall: but in the multitude of counsellors there is safety.

Today’s lesson speaks on counsel from a multitude of “counselors”. There are two basic ways we will look into this teaching of receiving good counsel. The first is the counsel of God’s Word and the second is the “counsel from God’s Counselors. Believe us (ihlcc) there is a big difference between the two sources of counsel because the “Counsel of God’s Word” is immutable (indisputable) and pure (God breathed) and established (previous tested), whereas the counsel of man is only as good as the man speaking it. When we are speaking of the multitude of “Counselors of God’s Word” we are specifically speaking of finding several verses in the Holy Bible that support the position you are taking. It surprises us to see a lot of Christians receive (believe) doctrine that is not supported in the Holy Bible. We know this is not a message for unbelievers because they don’t pretend to understand God’s Word to a deeper level of obedience but often we hear many Believers speak on things they believe without a scriptural foundation. Oh some will say, “No, all believers believe God’s Word”. We would reply, “Oh really, do you also believe all Christian’s live as Christ?” The correct response should be a resounding “No”. So let’s ask, “Why is this?” One reason is because people don’t live by the multitude of “counselors of God’s Word”. The multitude of “counselors of God’s Word” are the recorded (written) testimonies of truth consistently spoken of in the Holy Bible. Remember God’s Word states in 2 Corinthians 13:1 KJV by the Apostle Paul, “This is the third time I am coming to you. In the mouth of two or three witnesses shall every word be established.” This basically means without at least two witness no bible doctrine can be established. The problem we have run into on several occasions is that people interpret the Holy Bible in several ways. Of course the best way to interpret God’s Word (The Holy Bible) is to use the divine-source interpretation. This is a process in which you allow the Holy Bible to interpret itself. What we (ihlcc) mean by divine-source interpretation is reading a verse in the Holy Bible that speaks to your heart, your inner man, your spirit, then start looking for all the scriptures that say the same thing (or something very similar). If you can learn to do this for all things going on in your life and start doing them faithfully you will qualify to be a true disciple of Jesus. Jesus Christ was not just a student (studier) of God’s Word He is the Word of God made flesh. Therefore, Jesus knows His Holy Bible backward and forward. Jesus not only knows what is stated in the New Testament but He also knows the Old Testament position on the same subject. Jesus knows the exact scripture to fit your situation but He also knows the context and history of the scripture for your proper application. However, just because Jesus knows His Holy Bible very well it does not mean that other Christians also know their Holy Bible very well. We (ihlcc) purpose to read God’s Word every day and we also purpose to understand God’s Word so we can do it effectively (reverently, fervently). See, our faith friend, until you accurately understand what God is saying there is no good hope that you will be able to correctly perform anything you currently mis-understand. Yes, we encourage all believers to search the scriptures for what they should be doing in their everyday life. If the student of God’s Word sees a topic appearing several times they immediately know it is important to God. If a Christian only sees (reads) the topic once they can quickly conclude that it is not a critical belief (doctrine) to be preached to all the world. God’s system of correct documentation is wise and flawless. Studying God’s Word is studying God and the more you know God’s Word the more and better you actually know God. Don’t under mind this truth because many will preach only come to church on Sunday to better understand God. However, we (ihlcc) propose all those who only know God by hearing the descriptions of others really don’t know God as they should. Jesus Christ died on the cross at Calvary so you could personally walk into the Holiest of Holies to commune with God. Therefore it is not God’s Will to invite you into His Awesome Presence only one day a weak. No, no, no, our faith friend, you are invited to talk with God every day for as long as you like each day of your life. Yes, fellowshipping with God takes time but given His Great Knowledge and depths of understanding we (ihlcc) are sure you will never exhaust the wisdom of God to share with each one of His Children. The problem has never been if God would talk with us, but rather do we take or make the necessary time to talk with Him. As a believer in Christ Jesus we are commissioned to come unto Jesus and learn of Him in Matthew 11:29. We are supposed to read the Holy Bible and study God’s Word in the multitude of scriptures to grow-up in Christ Jesus. Therefore, every believer should know God well enough to clearly understand the fundamental principles (truths) of God’s Word and each believer should know them for themselves to be in the right position to explain God to others in darkness. The truth is many saints just don’t want to know God intimately so they settle for a surface relationship with God in which they know a few things about God without the stronger commitment to be as God. Surely, the better you know God the easier it will be to imitate God or quote God’s Word as God. Yes, through the process of the “multitude of counselors of God’s Word” you can understand God like each writer which when cross-referenced paints a pretty accurate picture of God. Remember, to behold God in His Clear Image is likened unto being as God through a clear imagination of Jesus. Yes, our faith friend, please receive the multitude of “Counselors of God’s Word” by letting each scripture stand with other exact (or similar) scriptures. Please, don’t preach or speak to others what you can’t find in the Holy Bible under multiple scriptures because when you don’t speak from God’s Word correctly you are probably speaking contrary to God’s Word without even realizing it. God created “the multitude of Counselors of His Word” for our own safety and the safety of others. Therefore we should follow this way of sharing scriptures in the Holy Bible to glorify God in all we do and in all we say. It is only through the voice of the counsel of God’s Word that we can publically and personally denounce the ways of this world (which includes the works of devil) in the Awesome Name of Jesus. Amen!